hrp0095p1-442 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

A Continuous Quality Improvement Effort Implemented by The Italian Network of Pediatric Diabetes Clinics

Zucchini Stefano , Bonfanti Riccardo , Lombardo Fortunato , Nicolucci Antonio , Rabbone Ivana , Schiaffini Riccardo , Vespasiani Giacomo

Pediatric diabetes management extends beyond glycemic control. A gap between guidelines and actual care exists. Standardized performance measures represent a key strategy to improve quality of care. In Italy, a non-profit initiative of continuous monitoring and quality improvement of diabetes care is in place since 2018, promoted by the ISPEDCARD association and involving the Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and diabetology (ISPED). Aim of the present work is to report the ...